Monday, 13 September 2021



first of all when creating these posters i had to gather the pictures i needed for them which you can see above. this was easily done and i took multiple but this was my favourite one as i thought it captured the true size and eeriness of the asylum. i also decided to take these pictures on a rainy and cloudy day as i thought it added to the dark approach i was going for when creating the poster.


the picture above is my first initial edit of the poster which i decided to make the tone and colour of the poster grey as i had an idea to make the fonts and captions look red and black as i thought it would look like blood further adding to the creepiness of the poster. this was all done in photoshop and indesign 

the pictures above are the three stages my original picture went through (the bottom one) to the poster it became (top one). the software's I used were InDesign and photoshop. in photoshop i made the original picture grey to make the tone darker and dull and i used InDesign to actually create the poster

another way we decided to advertise the film was by making a social media account to further promote the film. we created a social media account as it allows us to interact and have access to fans of the film across the world and is a good way to promote it and gives the opportunity to let the fans have their say on the film.

another way we decided to advertise the film was through making our poster design viewable and accessible to the public eye by putting it on public billboards like you can see here and it will be also put on things like busses, trains and other available public places/billboards. these billboards were all made in place it and gave me a great idea for what it would look like in public places and im very happy with it.

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Unit 21

 culture awards research: